
Mogeko Castle: Are you hungry? [eng]

The silence was almost painful. Yonaka was sitting on the floor, slowly catches her breath. She was scared. Even too much movement seemed wrong. So she just sat there, gazing in the air.

Who know how long she was here. Maybe day, or maybe week – it didn't matter anymore. That was obvious she was going to die, sooner or later. If someone was care to ask what she prefers, she would pick the first option without hesitation. Everything seemed to be better than… that.

How could this happen? If only she listened to Hasu… Ugh, that was her fault. Guilt also brought her so much pain, but Yonaka's knew she deserved that one.

And his death was her guilt too.

If only… If only…

She shook her head, wasn't able to cry anymore. Her body was numb, but not too enough to stop felt pain. In darkness, she couldn't see the injures Moge-ko caused her, but she didn't complain. How long she was alone, she could handle it.

And maybe next time she was going to die. She really wished to be dead.

I'm sorry, brother. I'm really, really sorry…

Yonaka's heart stopped for a moment, when she heard steps from the distance. It was getting closer. Oh, no… Someone approached, and she exactly knew who. Only one person was allowed to come here.

She groaned and moved closer to the wall, as if she wanted to go through it. Her breath was sharp and painful. Shaking body didn't help, especially since Yonaka knew that this state only will prompt Moge-ko to action. That madwomen really enjoyed terror of her victims.

Cell doors slowly opened with scratch. Moge-ko stepped in and with a bright, twisted smile gazed at frozen in fear Yonaka.

"Oh, Yonaka-chan!", she sing-sang. Her red eyes seemed to light in the darkness. "Did you miss me?"

Yonaka didn't answer. There was nothing she could tell. She didn't care anyway. Besides, she was trying to talk with Moge-ko earlier. "You are mistaken trying to find reason in this castle at all!", she recalled the answer which was given to her.

So she stopped fighting. Without Defect Mogeko she was doomed anyway.

"Hey, Yonaka-chan… I've got something for you. I'm sure you'll like it."

She was not a fan of that tone. Yonaka could tell without ask that something was wrong. Trying not to look, she was waiting for… For what? Pain? Without doubt. She didn't know what will happen this time, but that one was obvious: she will be tortured. Like always.

Funny, but waiting always seemed to be much worse than pain itself. She couldn't have predicted what would happen, and that scared her the most. Uncertainty.

If only…

But time was running and nothing happened.


She slowly looked up. Moge-ko kneed before her, strangely calm and relax. Yonaka needed a few more seconds to notice something in her  torturer hands. She tensed at first, sure she saw a knife, but then…



That question seemed to be the last one, she expected to hear. Yonaka opened her mouth only to closed them instantly. Did she mishear…?


"I asked are you hungry", repeated cheerfully Moge-ko. She moved her hands, slowly shoved the bowl she brought.

Was she hungry? Her stomach was twisting, but she wasn't sure why. She was terrified, that without doubts. On the other hand… When was the last time she ate anything? Yonaka wasn't sure, but apart from the prosciutto she found, it might have been at school.

Was that so? She still was alive, so must were here shorter than she thought. That was terrifying.

"Hey, are you deaf?! I asked, did you…!"


Moge-ko's red eyes backed to normal. With a smile, she moved closer, holding the bowl. Yonaka expected her to just give her food and leave, or maybe she will be going to tease her, turn everything in joke, and then they back to daily hell, but that didn't happen.

Instead, Moge-ko took a fork and scooped up some of what was in the bowl. Yonaka caught a strange smell. Quite pleasant. She thought she smelled blood, but she ignored it. Everything in this place was bloody and rot.

"Say aaah~", ordered Moge-ko.

Oh, okay. So she was going to feed her. Fair enough. The fork could be a dangerous tool, if Yonaka would mind to fight. She didn't, of course, but still…

She took the first bite. With her eyes close, she slowly chowed, waiting for her stomach reaction. When she was sure she won't be going to puke, she ate more confident. That was strange – be fed like a baby and by a psychopath – but did in this castle anything be normal?

She ate in silence. To be honest, that was the first time Moge-ko looked normal… as far as possible. Female Mogeko seemed focused and very serious. Almost like she was sane, or at least smarter than her kind. Maybe she was. Who could say?

"Good girl… You know… I kinda like it. I was pretty sure you'll enjoy this meal", said  suddenly Moge-ko. She pulled back to look at Yonaka. "You liked him, didn't you?"

Yonaka blinked.


"Nothing special. Just thinking." Moge-ko in rush got to her feet. "That's all. See? I said I'm going to care about my toy~ You're too precious, mogegege".

She looked at pale Yonaka with a smile. Red eyes gleamed in the darkness.

"We are going to have so much fun together. I promise, Yonaka-chan."

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